Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our 1st TwentyFour Hours

August 28
We have survived our first 24 hours as parents! What a joy it has been. Thankfully the power came back on yesterday right before he woke up so his bottle was not a problem. Caleb went on his first stroller ride, which was fine. He did not fuss, just looked around, mostly at the cars. He had whole grain cereal, and was not too fond of that so we added peaches which he did a little better with taking. The whole concept of a spoon is new to him, so he does get distracted by it and forgets that the goal is to eat. He went down last night with no problems at about 9 pm. He then slept until about 4:45 and we then gave him a bottle, changed his diaper, put him back down and he woke up again at 8am.
Today we have stayed in the hotel room mostly except for going out for a walk in his Baby Bjorn and for a long walk in his stroller this afternoon with Kathy. He has done well in the room. Everything is a new discovery; the flowers on the sheets, the texture of the chair, and base board. It is all a new world for him. We have had a day full of laughter, smiles and talking. He is crawling from one end of the floor to the other. Ethan and I are savoring every moment of this thing called parenthood. We have feasted on Big Bon noodles for dinner (like Ramen noodles) and have bought an ice cream cake for dessert. It is very hot here, 80 degrees so the ice cream cake is a treat. I know that I will not get much sympathy from the Chattanooga people, but we have no air conditioner and the mosquitoes are coming in through the screen. That is about all to report.
Thanks to each and every one of you for your post of congratulations. It is difficult to be on the other side of the world while starting the parenting process, as we want so badly to share this experience with those we love. But the post and e mails of congratulations make us feel that we really are not that far away after all.


Anonymous said...

from ashley
wow! caleb is taking it easy on you the first 24...(smile)...I can tell you are smiling so hard from the joy of this journey that no matter what that little guy dishes out you are ready!
Just smiling big myself and sending my love across the world to you three...

Anonymous said...

Hello Collier Family :) Congratulations! I am so happy to see you guys all together. It must be so wonderful. Caleb's adventures have just began. I can't wait until you all are here!!! You all look so happy!! I am keeping you in my prayers!!
Amy P.

Anonymous said...

Hi to all three of you! I was wondering if the little guy ever fusses?! He seems so happy and content.The pictures and update are so exciting and each day I look forward to the next news from you. love you all !

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Ethan and Mary and congratulations to you too Caleb. Not only have you gained a beautiful son but he has gained two wonderful parents as well. All I can say is GOD IS GOOD!! Can't wait to see you all!
Love and continued prayers,
Aunt Shelly, Uncle Rob and Trishlyn

Anonymous said...

We had Dad's office over for a cookout today and everyone wanted an update. Tonight we went to Spanish class and Alison DeMoss asked about you. You may be half way around the world, but you are in so many thoughts and prayers. We love you - give our dear grandson a hug and kiss from Pippa and PopPop.

Anonymous said...

Ethan,Mary and Caleb,
I am so happy and excited for you. He is so cute! I can't wait to meet him.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Dear Ethan and Mary - CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a beautiful baby Caleb is! It has been such a blessing to me to read of your journey. Blessings and prayers, Shelly F. (friend of Mary's mom) - I am continuing to pray for the three of you!

swooze said...

i love that picture of him eating...he doesn't seem to excited to be eating real food! you guys are so cute. i am glad to be a part of this blessing in your life...even though i am thousands of miles away!
i love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Caleb is soo cute! What a precious blessing. You all go together and look alike. What a beautiful family and what a testimony for his adoption. Two parents that God sent to him from the "States." How loved this little one is. I'm thinking of you guys. Carolyn Rushing