Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Meeting Our Baby Boy

Hi! I hope you rec'd my entry from 8/7 while in almaty. Here goes.. Today was the day, we finally met our baby boy. I will get to the details of the travel later, most importantly, Caleb. We were led down a long aisle in a old, concrete Baby Hospital to a back room by his doctor, Dr. Victoria, the translator and a lady from the Ministry of Education. There in a room was a crib with this smiling little boy lying on his belly looking at us.

I immediately picked him up and he was all smiles. He grabbed my hair and looked me straight in the eyes and had a big grin, like he had known me for months. Ethan held him and the first thing Caleb did was put his little hands on Ethans face. We only had 15 minutes with him today, so the entire time Ethan and I passed him back and forth and talked to him. He seemed perfectly happy with us, looking at us, out the window and all around. We shot some video footage as well as pictures which we will try to get out tomorrow as we need to go to an internet cafe to do that. After 15 minutes, the "people" came back and they asked us if we wanted to adopt him, we of course said YES, and then we signed some papers and were instructed to be back in the morning at 10 am for a 2 hour visit. Bring clothes, light weight jacket to go outside in, and 8 diapers. Now, as to how he looked since I don't have pictures, he is not as big (tall) as I expected, about the weight I expected, and he has dirty blond hair with a tint of red, and hazel eyes. They are brown on the inside near the pupil and blue all around, I was surprised, I thought they were going to be deep brown. He has about 1/2 inch of hair. He rolled over, no problem today and was able to sit up with no assistance and put pressure on his legs firmly while standing. I asked the caregivers to tell me about him, they said that he is very loved. He likes to be held, loves people, laughs a lot, makes funny noises, BUT has a little temper if he gets upset. They told me he had a nice bath today in anticipation of meeting his mama and daddy. It was hard to say the least to leave him. But as Ethan said, this is only temporary, he will be going home with us soon. Sorry there are no pictures, we will try our best to get them tomorrow.

As to the other details of our day, we flew on the Yak 70-40 from Almaty to Kokshetau. I am glad I was mentally prepared for this. There are really no words to describe the plane, we took video footage b/c of this. It was loud, crammed with people, our luggage was in the back of the airplane, there were fleece blankets laying randomly around b/c it gets so cold in there when it has been in flight for a while. It was really just "gross" but we survived it, I read and prayed a little. By then I was getting so excited about meeting him that I didn't care if I had to ride to Kokshetau in a hanglider. We were picked up by our translator Inna and our driver. We were taken to the hotel were it looks like we will be staying. It is very nice, a big 2 room suite, clean and DSL internet accesss. We paid for 2 weeks, we may move to an apartment after court, but I doubt it. Breakfast here is free, and there is a lady who does your laundry for 2 USD per lb. Plus you can get an hour massage here for 15 USD. We ate dinner here at the Hotel Kokshetau restaurant. Ethan had a lovely soup that was chopped up spam, cucumbers, tofu and potatoes in a cold milk substance. His main course was mixed meat steak looking thing (likely horse). I had ravioli soup, which was basically little bitty ravioli in a big huge bowl of broth. I was scared to eat it after I realized that the ravioli may have little pieces of horse mixed in, so I mostly just had the bread. I don't think we will be cooking any Kaz meals for you guys when we come home. Oh and also we met with the Minister of Education prior to meeting Caleb. He just asked us a bunch of questions like why we wanted to adopt, how much money we make, how old our parents are?? He was nice and ended up telling us he was going to have a horse milk party so we (Ethan and I) could try it. I hope that is not true. Alright, we are off to try to get some sleep after a long fun day.


Anonymous said...

Mary, I am SO happy for you, how excited you must be. I'm excited for you just reading the happenings of your day!! You are in my thoughts and prayers and I can't wait until Caleb is home!!...Georja

nikki b said...

mary, i am so excited for you and ethan! i am so happy that you have finally met your son you have waited so long for. of course, we are all tears of happiness for you here. i can't wait to you get home with him and we can meet him. enjoy your time with him there!

elizabeth said...
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elizabeth said...

He sounds absolutely perfect! We are all so excited here. We pounced on Cathy first thing this morning wanting to know if you had sent anything. We were hanging over her while she signed on her computer. Now, if you could just describe every single second you spend with him we will be happy. Just kidding. Have fun. Kiss him a bezillion times and don't eat any mystery meat. love, e

gina said...

ok! he sounds exactly like his mommie if he: loves to be held, loves to laugh, makes funny noises, and has a temper!! HE IS YOURS!! Thanks so much for letting us be a part of this little miracle!! oh wait! how big are his feet!! The "shoe fairy" needs to know! :) g

Gina said...

ohmigosh, he is definitely his mommies little boy if he: loves to be held, loves to laugh, makes funny noises, and has a temper!! Thanks Mare for allowing us to share in this miracle!! We are thrilled for you and E, oh, by the way, how big are his feet? you know his "shoe AUNT" needs to know! love to the three of you, g

Anonymous said...

Dearest Ethan and Mary,
God is so good! We have been praying that God would let Caleb know in his heart that you are his parents and that your hearts would be instantly bound together.
What a precious little boy! We already has our hearts.
We love you both,
Mom (Carol or Pippa)

Jack Dutton said...

this is jack dutton. we hope you are having a good time in kazikstan. we are excited to meet cousin caleb. and we hope you have a safe trip home. and we love caleb. and i just started first grade this year. love jack and joe. and cooper.

Maureen Powers said...

Yay! So glad you made it to Kokshetau and met Caleb. You'll love having Inna as your interpreter - she's awesome! Our thoughts are prayers are with the three of you.

Maureen Powers said...

Yay! So glad to hear you're in Kokshetau and that you got to meet Caleb. You'll love having Inna as your interpreter - she's awesome! Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your journey.

Anonymous said...

Mary and Ethan, What wonderful news. My prayer for the last few months has been that Caleb would be a happy baby and not know a stranger. I cried for joy as I read your description of the little guy. We love you all !! Uncle Dave and Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

Ethan and Mary,

We're glad you made it safely and are getting a good start at being a family unit. Ellen and Sarah think Caleb is "so cute" and of course I do to. We just think it is so cool that Caleb is going to grow up in a situation where he's going to know that our God loves him and wants him to be His. He's one lucky little guy to have you t
wo as parents.

Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us.

Ted and Ellen

Anonymous said...

Mary, i am soooo excited about Caleb.
He is soo cute. i can't wait 2 see him in the nursery at church. i can't wait to hold and play with him when u guys come back. i hope u guys r having fun. i can't wait 2 hear all about your trip. Hope 2 see u, Ethan, and Caleb.

TTFM(Ta-ta 4 now)

Sarah Franklin(-:!@#$%^&*()

Anonymous said...

Ethan and Mary, We are so excited for you both. Caleb seems to be just as happy to meet you as you him. He is just adorable!! We can't wait to meet him and continue to keep you all in our daily prayers.
Love to all of you,
Uncle Rob, Aunt Shelly and Trishlyn

Anonymous said...

Gaby and I have been looking at all of the pictures and the entries for each day and we can't wait to see little caleb. Just reading how Ethan felt on the second day brings back fond memories of the first few minutes we saw our own children. Your lives will never be the same. You both look so natural holding and playing with him. It is a privelage to work for and be friends with you guys. You will be great parents and how lucky caleb is to have a mommy and daddy like you two. We miss you and pray for you daily. Can't wait to meet the little guy and by reading all of the other entries he will never have a lack of aunts and uncles.