Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Day In The Life

August 19, 2007

Greeting to all! We have had a nice quiet day. Our visit with Caleb was a lot of fun today. We walked in and he was lying there in his little crib, he looked up at us with the same level of curiosity as he does each day, we then say “Good morning Sasha” and as usual he breaks into a huge smile. He was very playful and interactive. Each day he talks to us more and more. Today he was venturing across the mattress on the single bed that is in the room (with us 2 inches away from him at all times of course) and he was eyeing the crib which sits flush with the bed. He started to try to position his little hands so he could pull up when there was a knock at our door and we had visitors! Our translator Inna, Allana and Cathy. (Cathy is our new friend who came earlier this week who is adopting a little girl named Allana). Time for a group walk! We snuggled both babies in their snowsuits, Caleb in blue and Allana in pink and off we go to the great outdoors! During our walk Caleb had a fist full of my hair in his mouth and decided that it would be a perfect time to spit up. So, I had sticky, stinky hair and a shoulder that was covered, but no burp cloth. I must start remembering to carry that everywhere! Caleb actually seemed a little more interested in the outdoors today, he likes to watch our shadows and he saw a big loud truck that was idling nearby and he was mesmerized. Boy to the core already. (We took a picture of our outing with Cathy and Allana that I will send as well). We came back inside and I was able to coax Caleb into falling asleep by rocking him and whispering in his ear about all the people back home who love him. It was a sweet moment or two, but then we had to leave and I carefully placed him in the crib. Eyes opened and the screaming started. MAD screaming. The nurse came in and picked him up, but he didn’t care. I guess it is hard for a little guy to understand why we only come two hours a day. It would probably make me pretty angry if I were in his shoes. Otherwise we are doing fine. Last evening we went out to dinner with Cathy and another couple who just got into town. We had great pizza at a place called Pyramid. I had vegetarian and Ethan had the Sicilian pizza. It was good and we enjoyed hanging out with everyone. Today we have spent the day inside mostly. Ethan has worked out and done the laundry and I have read. He is much better at the hand washing then myself, more determined and he has more of the muscle that is needed to complete the process. Good deal for me. We are planning on going for a nice long walk now, as it is a beautiful day here and then watch more King of Queens tonight. Perhaps some vodka and cherry juice to cap off our Sunday.



Anonymous said...

Mary and Ethan and Caleb, As always ,it is so amazing to read about your daily routine. Routine to you but so exciting to us . We check the site several times a day just to feel part of the excitment. I do believe that Caleb is changing with every new picture. There is so much excitement in his big eyes,a big change from the very first pictures.We can tell thay he is feeling so loved. Love you all, Uncle Dave and Aunt Cathy

Lori said...

These are some of the best pictures of Caleb! He seems to have changed just in the short time you guys have been there. Can't wait until you guys do not have to leave him everyday!
Keep the wonderful stories & pictures coming our way since we check the blog everyday.
Love, Lori