Saturday, August 11, 2007

Caleb's Going Outside!!!

August 12, 2007

This is the first time in many years for Ethan and me when it made absolutely no difference to us that it is a Saturday, everyday is the same here! We visited with Caleb at the usual 10am. He was feeling a little less playful today than yesterday. All he really wanted to do was snuggle, we were certainly accommodating to his wishes. He slept for about 20 minutes in my arms which was incredible. He took his bottle with cereal in it without a second thought. It is interesting because his eyes go from mine to Ethan¡¦s all the time. It is like he is studying us with great interest. Rarely does he look at anything but us or his toys. His favorite toy is the one we got from Aunt Cathy. It is a large plastic key ring that has our pictures in it, but most importantly it makes music. We push the button and immediately when the music starts his little legs start kicking, the music stops, he stops. Oh yeah, he got his picture taken by a photographer for his passport. I am not sure if it is for the Kazakh or US passport (he will have both). Anyway, tomorrow he gets to go outside for the first time in his little life. WE bought him a little snow suit to wear per the request of the Children¡¦s Hospital where he is staying. Also, we are going to introduce some Willy Nelson music to him. Sunday will be a big day for him! Ethan and I did not end up going out with the gentleman I spoke of yesterday; we are going to go tonight instead. We stayed in and ate some sort of canned fish on a sandwich. We don¡¦t know what kind of fish it was as the writing was in Russian. It did have the skin and some bones still on it. I tried to be a trooper and eat my sandwich, but my determination only got me about 2/3 of the way through it. We went to the store this afternoon with our interpreter to have her help us find some foods that can be prepared with hot water only, as that is all we have to cook with (a tea kettle that we plug into the wall). We were able to get some Ramen noodles Kaz style and other items that should be okay. She did find us some canned beef, I just couldn't do it. We have been also dealing with some computer glitches, but thankfully Ethan worked all afternoon and got his computer going again. Well, that is all for the day. Thank you for all your support! Mary


Anonymous said...

Ethan and Mary, What an exciting day you will have outside with Caleb. It will be so much fun to introduce him to the feel of grass,the sounds of nature and the smell of the earth! He will need to get used to being outside for our fall party and thanksgiving outside! Love you all so much.

nikki b said...

hi, Colliers! Caleb,i hope you enjoy being outside tomorrow. i'm sure you will spend many days outside with your cousins once your home (if your mom will let you get dirty-ha!) Mary and Ethan, i hope the food gets better for you. as always, i enjoy the post and your in my thoughts and prayers.

Lori said...

What is the weather like? You mentioned the snowsuit - is it cold? I hope you continue to have very pleasant visits with Caleb everyday. Mary Lane with Infusystems & Steve Grace were asking all about how everything was going. We were happy to tell them the funny stories, as well as, the tear jerkers! Stay healthy! Hope you enjoyed your dinner with the friend from Minnesota. Love, Lori

Anonymous said...

The bigger picutures are great! I feel like I could reach out and touch you three. Oh, that I could!